Keynote Speaker

Accessibility Advocate

3x Paralympian

Architectural Technologist

Spreader of Positivity

My Story

After a long recovery from a Staph infection at just 10 years of age that resulted in amputations to both legs as well as fingers and thumbs, I made the decision to not let it stop me from achieving my dreams. As soon as I was healthy enough to participate in sport my family registered me with the local sledge hockey team; which we quickly discovered was not the ideal sport for a kid who was missing his fingers.

Next up was wheelchair basketball. I immediately fell in love with the sport and had dreams of becoming a Paralympian in basketball. However, that dream ended up heading in a slightly different direction after I found wheelchair rugby (AKA Murderball). After making the Canadian Senior National team at just 16 years of age I very quickly realized that my dream was becoming a reality. only 18 short months after first playing the sport I was representing Canada on the world stage at the 2012 London Paralympic Games.

To hear more about my journey, or any of the other topics listed below please head over to the “Contact” page and reach out. I can’t wait to share more with you!

Overcoming Adversity




High Performance Sport

Paralympic Journey


Living With a Disability

Growth Mindset

Mental Health

Some of the best advice I ever received was also some of the simplest. “Hey Kid, just go have fun out there.”

-Kevin Orr during the 2014 World Championship Semi-Final match